MVDC Large Ship is a research project aimed at analyzing the implementation of a medium voltage DC integrated power system for large electrically propelled ships.
Compact high-speed generators can be used for power generation.
With a sudden surge in power demand better voltage control can be achieved by using controlled power converters and storage systems.
The DC grid performs better than the conventional AC, being independent from frequency and assisted by storage systems.
Electrical power is controllable in different modes of operation, by exploiting the DC distribution power converters to feed the variable-speed motors in a more rational way.
MVDC Large Ship – Sistema elettrico integrato con distribuzione in media tensione a corrente continua per grandi navi a propulsione elettrica, è un progetto cofinanziato dal POR FESR 2007-2013 Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Asse 1, Attività 1.1b.